About Bibwoe

Built by Don Boulton Resides in OKC. Don on Twitter
This New Word Describes All, “Bibwoe”.
Basic Instructions Books While On Earth
God’s works should be read in a ascending order as they set precedence for the next.
Been waiting around for the prompt to start this. Kind of got complacent. Then next thing I know the Trinity was together and I was on my way!
So here we go to a new day!
The Last Testament
The We is of all and all is thy Father God, as I is just a lie and of the Devil with only fleshly considerations.
Jesus is the Future or We. The We has a purpose and that is the Re-Creation of Man, away from the I to the intended WE, the time Becoming Anew My Children!
Re-patterning to a new becoming, according to thy Father Gods Will, Fathers will be now given to all.
With the keys to unlock your broken spirit, all can be found within BIBWOE.
View Creation Of All, Instructions for the Future, and affirmed through the words of Jesus as written in the KJV of the BIBLE. Spoken to the We whom hear and can see, within. As Thy Father God as the Holy Spirit is inside all, as well as all is inside our Father God.
This difference is life within substance, as our Father is of no measure and is the 95.0% of all; as the Holy Spirit, darkness and/or dark matter, those whom think father is of the light think very little, as the light is .5% of the 5% of this universe and the creation Of Father for the illusion of Man, the light is to see beyond.
Mankind and all creation is of the .5% or the 5%; where One becomes One thus all is of the I am as We.
The connection between the two or 0 to 1 and/or darkness becomes light is thy Fathers past reflection as the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit of father is the past of the trinity as -1. Jesus is the future of the trinity as 1 or beyond the point of when 1 becomes 1 and that is of the WE.
BIBWOE defines flesh as our test and opens the knowledge and connection to your broken spirit.
Broken in the sense as it was once turned off, since Adam and Eve sinned, now its turned on, as of 2K.
This period of off has patterned mankind to mainly fleshly considerations, as you know not yourself within thy father, lost with external thinking, knowing not self by always affirming self through external considerations and this world.
Not knowing that we are a part of Father as well as Father is within us of eternal glory within the Holy Spirit.
Some descriptions of mankind will be of harsh truths, that will not set right with some and argument is their course, some will not know at all what to think and find themselves in limbo, my children of truth will know and the word will be their course along that narrow path of truth and doing what is right = Righteousness.