
Last Testament Posts

Creation of All - Featured image

Creation of All

In the Beginning! There was a void of life within the midst as chaos. Prelude Dedicate to My Trinity of Love! Trinary Composition All substance is bound by a trinary composition consisting of, ”- as negative, no life”, “0 as Null”, “and + as positive…

The Day The I - Featured image

The Day The I

original post: 2022-06-04 The Day Live For the Day, Yesterday is Gone, Tomorrow is not here Yet! For the Day was made for Man, not Man for the day! A Story of Abraham He so loved Father God he made sure his path, his heart, his talk, was set in…

Trinity of Man - Featured image

Trinity of Man

Revelations 22 for 2022 Verse 11 Remember my Children, Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy.” Let him whom…

Immorality Abortion - Featured image

Immorality Abortion

4/12/22 Victory for the children and God’s truths in Creation, Oklahoma outlawed murder as in Abortion. Prelude My writings are written for my Children born since 2000. Only there purity can cleanse the Earth from the immorality of there forefathers…

The Law Commandments - Featured image

The Law Commandments

The Law Something the USA and World has forgotten about! The Catholic Church doesn’t see the Ten Commandments as arbitrary rules and regulations from God but as commandments for protection. That you need now as Judgement is soon. Catholic Nonsense…

Sing A Song - Featured image

Sing A Song

My Song I had a such voice when I was young that “Robert Platt”, voice teacher to, some pop stars, gave me free lessons and came and found me if I did not show up. All I wanted to do was sing, and Motocross. Until I find a way to make a YouTube video…

Works Of Flesh - Featured image

Works Of Flesh

Intro A lot of this is written; like all my works here on Earth; for my Trinity of Love and directed at them. Works Old Testament Since the beginning of Mankind Father God has watched over his love as man, and spoke to all in there dream sleep, “REM…

Who Are the Jews - Featured image

Who Are the Jews

Who are the Jewish People? Jewish History Some of You that agree with my Creation of All, I am going to lose here for a short time, until you see I am right. It’s Ok kids, breaking from traditions is hard. The Jewish people really do not know there…

Gods Experiments - Featured image

Gods Experiments

Tests of Substance Creation in its essence is to extend, to know, or to affirm. When Father God Consumed the lesser Gods he could have just left them as a cancer inside of himself. He saw this as a opportunity to find himself and to know of the…
