Fire and Brimstone
First you must watch the below video on how we are preprogrammed, designed by, “Father God”, to follow authority.
This basic human programming is used by Government and the Preachers to control you, as you must follow authority.
But this basic human instinct is to have Father God be the ultimate authority. Not other men, a Government or institution.
Donald Trump used this Authoritarian figure to get himself elected. Dam good at it to. But is a lier as he has no control or
authority over himself or his eating habits compassion for others unless they follow his authority or, in his sexual desires.
As humans you prase and follow him as if he were God, and he is not, he cannot control himself, but you overlook that just like your Beggar Preacher Gods that tell you they are the way and the truth and you must listen to them to have Father God in your lives.
I simply cannot believe what your Evangelists get away with as they straight up tell their congregation that they are money hungry evil trash. The church congregation loves it and shovels them more money = The Authoritarian Figure, “Rules”, now matter how true or correct they are in their ways.
Changes to Rule
This one reason I write and have not made Video’s or speak in front of large crowds; as I am the ultimate Authority, but do not seek that authority. I want the children of earth to have authority over themselves.
In that, I am only reaching, “AUTHORITARIAN FIGURES”, that use my works to further their authority, not father God’s
Now I’m going to get real Authoritarian on all of you, laying down some, “Fire and Brimstone, ‘Hell FIRE ON YOU ALL”, like it; or else shit!
Get ready!!!
Video on Authority
How Ordinary People Can Be Pushed to Extreme Actions
Many Churches
No more getting rich off of Gods works. You evangelists and preachers that do this will burn for eternity.
A preacher and his family should love and live at the church never closing the doors as it is God’s sanctuary “FOR ALL OF MAN”. Welcoming with love and compassion all of God’s children, “at all times”.
Your not a church of God with, “Locked Doors”! God is 24/7 365 as the church should be.
The Below is From Jan 22nd 2023
In the 1990’s I traveled all over the USA going to Hundreds of different Churches investigating what was true or not about there worship of Father God.
Just now reinvestigating the Church Life.
OKC with some help from you a new church every week. Need to see what all my children are doing. Not just at one venue.

Pastor Robert Whalen gave a brilliant Sermon on, “Why”❓
Why does Father God let Evil into our world and not protect us from it. He made references to the Book Of Enoch on how Enoch Was one of Father God’s favorite, blessed with truth and happiness.
Enoch was tortured by Devil and Ok’ed by Father, having everything in his life taken from him.
Enoch never directly denied God.
One thing Pastor Whalen did not mention was Enoch’s denial of self, “or I may have missed it”, Which is a denial of Father God.
Love Ya ALL
Never deny yourself My Loves, just learn and grow to become and know.
I will definitely frequent New Life Church UPC of Edmond OK.
I was happy and filled with joy for the first time in sometimes.
Thank’s to ALL Of You! Blessings. 🙏