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Built by Don Boulton Resides in OKC. Don on Twitter

Jew Christian

Written in the Holy Land, “Oklahoma City”!

Insanity is Jewish Christian

My take is that Jesus was not really Jewish, he hated judaism as he broke up several of there churches. Most of what he talked about was anti-jewish.

Why do you think he had 12 Disciples, for protection. All of them were big strong and bad asses. The jews hated jesus right from the get go and he was constantly threatened.

The Report of Pilate to Tiberius, known also as Anaphora Pilati, is an ancient apocryphal work attributed to Pontius Pilate and originally written in Greek. In it, the governor of Judea informs the Emperor in Rome about Jesus’ miracles, death sentence, crucifixion and resurrection.

In this letter he made it perfectly clear that the Romans were not bothered by Jesus in the least. The Jews wanted him dead as he was destroying one main Jewish precept of them being God’s chosen people.

Jesus stated like I do that we are all chosen, “EQUALLY”, and that anyone that says they are more righteous or seen as higher or in a better light by the Trinity is a evil tyrant and a lier.

Some History

The term “Judæo Christian” first appears in a letter by Alexander McCaul which is dated October 17, 1821.

The term in this case referred to Jewish converts to Christianity The term was similarly used by Joseph Wolff in 1829, in reference to a type of church that would observe some Jewish traditions in order to convert Jews.

Mark Silk states in the early 19th century the term was “most widely used (in French as well as English) to refer to the early followers of Jesus who opposed” the wishes of Paul the Apostle and wanted “to restrict the message of Jesus to Jews and who insisted on maintaining Jewish law and ritual”.

Friedrich Nietzsche used the German term “Judenchristlich” (“Jewish-Christian”) to describe and emphasize what he believed were neglected aspects of the continuity which exists between the Jewish and Christian worldviews.

The expression appears in The Antichrist published in 1895 but written several years earlier; a fuller development of Nietzsche’s argument can be found in the prior work, On the Genealogy of Morality.

You so called christian churches and believers in the Trinity DROP that LIE of

Judaeo Christian

All Jew’s are murderous Zionists, as that is supremacy like the Nazism.

We are better than others lie.

The Jews hated my son Jesus and had the Romans Crucify him. The Jews hate everyone, “not Jewish”, as they are not God’s chosen.

The below tells all

Street Samurai

Hermes The Cynic. A perfect Statement on what really going on in PALESTINE
